Tuesday, October 13, 2009


From the Huff Post

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) said Tuesday that she intends to vote for passage of the Senate Finance Committee's health care reform package. She cautioned that her vote should be seen as a sign of her faith in the process going forward and not as support for the final package that will arrive on the Senate floor.

"It doesn't forecast what my vote will be tomorrow," she said. Snowe's yes vote keeps her at the negotiating table and at the center of the health care reform debate.

Her vote, she said, comes amid knowledge that Democrats don't need Republicans to pass the landmark legislation.

"The majority has the votes. It has the votes in the House. It has the votes in the Senate," she said.

Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) was thrilled at the news, complimenting Snowe for her "very thoughtful statement. It'll be well remembered and I thank you for it."

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), also a finance committee member, said that Snowe's vote bodes well for final passage. "It sets the stage," he said on MSNBC. "Susan Collins will likely come with her fellow Maine senator when this bill hits the floor."

This is closest we have come to good health care in a long, long time.

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