Today President Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary efforts to create diplomacy throughout the world. While many individuals question the award, only three groups outright objected to it: the Taliban, claiming he has done nothing to pursue peace in Afghanistan; Hamas, because the American government still does not recognize the nation of Palestine; and American Conservatives, because he is President Obama.
It is a stark, and possibly even radical, comparison to make of Conservatives and radical Muslim groups however their unwillingness to admit wrong or defeat and their eagerness to use radical means towards a goal is strikingly similar. Over the past year Conservatives have abandoned their unmatched patriotism that supported two wars for an unprecedented 'hate' for President Obama. After laughing and cheering when the United States of America loses the Olympics, and then throwing a fit of rage when he President of the United States of America wins the Nobel Peace Prize, some organizations such Media Matters are compelled to ask the question "If not America, then who are the Republicans rooting for?". It is a question that should be asked.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee their choice was one of confidence in Obama to gain global support for his diplomatic policies such as nuclear non-proliferation. They praised the President for creating " new climate in international politics.". This justification, although, is not enough for critics of the award who claim Obama has done nothing in office. However, just by taking a look at America alone, one can see that criticism is unfounded. Just in the time Obama took office until now, according to a poll of 25 countries from Pew Global Attitudes Project, America has found itself with double digit boosts to the percentage of people who view America favorably all across the world. In Germany , over 90 percent of people approve of America, compared to the 12 percent that approved America a little over a year ago. This is no minor accomplishment. Obama is being awarded for setting the stage for a most peaceful world in the history of the Earth--a world where America can recognized as an active leader and participant.
Take the word of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, "[The peace prize confirms, finally, America's return to the hearts of the people of the world...".
If the new approval ratings don't convince you of Obama's impact on international community, the praise he has received will. Upon receiving the prize Obama received praise from leaders all across the world including: Mikhail Gorbachev, the regime of Hamid Karzai, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, just to name a few.
However, to Republicans, overwhelming international praise and major feats not enough for the Nobel Peace Prize, and they are quick to offer their opinion on the issue-- even more proof that the GOP is disconnected with the rest of the nation. Glenn Beck said that Obama setting a new stage in the world for peace was not enough for the award, and that it really should have been awarded to a movement he started that featured posters and propaganda that depicted Obama as a Nazi and witchdoctor. RedState's Erick Erickson credited Obama's award towards affirmative action-- does that even make sense?
In the past week we have seen a peak into the conservative party that is shocking and disturbing. The Olympics and the Nobel Peace Prize have shown the world that this unparalleled patriotism conservatives claim to have was never for the United States of America, it was for a rich white America, and right-wing America, a Conservative America. Anything else is the enemy.
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