Yesterday the notion that Obama's address to school children all across the nation is a scheme to indoctrinate students into Obama's "socialist ideology" really hit the fan. I really can't justified why I am surprised this notion exploded from pundits of Florida's Republican Party to actual legitimate republican elected politicians such as Minnesota Govenor Tim Pawlenty, but honestly I am. I am surprised for two reasons: 1) I am surprised this blew up into such a big issue, or an issue at all and, 2) it is hard to fathom the rhetoric being used against this address.
I mean lets take a look at what Obama actually plans on talking about. Well first, he plans of addressing the children to give them motivational instruction to stay in school, to set goals for themselves, and to stay motivated to succeed. Originally, that's what opposition was against...this apparent, far fetched, socialist agenda to motivate children. Anderson Cooper did a wonderful interview of Jim Greer, Florida Chair of the Republican Party, to which he asked Mr. Greer, how can you claim Obama will be pushing his agenda onto children when 1) You haven't seen his speech or have any hard evidence to to support your claim, and 2) Obama has already told you what he will say, and that is.... well this motivational stuff. Coopers point is valid one, how can people cause such a riot over a fear they are basing off of pure whimsical irrationality. Its not like this is the first a President addressed the school children of America. George Bush sr. addressed the schools of America...and when he received political criticism (which was incredibly mild to what we are seeing now) the Republicans were quick to their feet to defend him. George W. Bush soon followed suit with a double-whammy. Not only did he address the school children, but he actually was promoting his agenda of No Child Left Behind.
So then the pundits turned their argument around. Its not the speech anymore. Its the curriculum. Now the republicans focused their attention on an assignment the White House suggested schools: Have the kids write a letter explaining how they can help President Obama. Keep in mind these kids are well, kids. Its highly unlikely the topic of their letter will be creating left wing "socialist" propaganda for health care reform, or the new cap and trade bill. I think its safe to say the majority of these kids will be writing about generic ways they can help the country and the president as whole. Such as stay in school, don't commit crimes, try to do good...maybe if they get real radical socialist(y) they will write about supporting the country. This assignment should be viewed as what it is... a reflective writing assignment to strengthen critical analysis and writing skills, rather than a secret plot to bring communism/socialism to America.
As if it was bad enough that this blew up into an issue in the first place, the magnitude of the rhetoric used is a bit extreme...and its not exclusive to the pundits either. This speech promoting staying in school, setting goals, and being motivated, its being compared to ...wait for it...fascism. That's right. Fox News Channel and other right wing bloggers compared Obama to "Chairman Mao [Zedong]" creating the Red Guard, to North Korean and former Soviet Union dictatorship. But the Fox News channel is always pretty radical, as are the right wing bloggers; unfortunately it didn't stop there. Elected officials such as Oklahoma state senator Steve Russel made the same comparisons he said, " this is akin to something you see in North Korea or under Saddam Hussein's Iraq"
Like I said, we shouldn't be surprised...this summer has been filled with ridiculous falsities to say the least. But when the right compare a motivational speech about staying in school to fascism and totalitarian dictatorships like Stalin, Mao, and Saddam I just cant help but shockingly say, "What the fuck?!
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