It has been eight years since 9/11 and every year the tragedy has been incorporated into politics more and more-- an action that in my opinion is pretty unavoidable, and reprehensible. 9/11 should not be dragged in to politics with claims of un-Americanism. I realize that the face I am blogging about this topic, in a way, contributing to 9/11 being exploited, lately I came across something connecting 9/11 and health care which was astonishing.
It all started with my good friend, Sarah Palin. Palin, once again inexplicably writing on her facebook, attacked President Obama on his health care speech. Not because of death panels, not for illegal immigrants, not for abortions....but because he disrespected 9/11 victims. I apologize for anyone who spit out their coffee on their keyboard. Here is the controversial, if you can call it that, statement:
add it all up and the plan I'm proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years, less than we have spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan warsThat is the quote Palin was referring to in the Health Care speech. She claimed it was "demonizing" 9/11 victims for having too high of a price tag. First, of all, the Iraq war is independent of 9/11, Ms. Palin. Second of all, the comparision was not to set a price tag on the wars, but rather put the costs of the Health Care in perspective to other actions the United States have more than afforded to take. Third of all, to debate the future of this country, and its spending in wars abroad is not an affront to 9/11 victims, it is a legitamite debate that deals with real lives in the military and the economy. What's an affront to 9/11, Ms. Palin, is you bringing in 9/11 in a debate of health care.
Palin's host of ghost writers write for her. If she wrote the stuff herself, one would never know what she's really talking about.
ReplyDeleteHaha, no kidding!