Tuesday, August 4, 2009

6 Reasons Why Sotomayor Will Progress Our Society

This morning Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed by a vote of 68-31 to be our new Supreme Court Justice. In honor of this achievement for the democratic party, I thought I would give my top 6 reasons as to why Sotomayors induction betters our society:

1) Her credentials are impeccable: This is an easy one. Its no secret that Sotomayor is incredibly well qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice. But just incase you haven't heard, here are a few of her qualifications:

  • She graduated from Yale law school and was the editor of the Yale Law Journal
  • She has served on every level of our judicial system including the U.S District Court for the Southern District of New York, and the 2nd Circut Court of Appeals.
  • Her career has spanned three decades, and has been nominated by both a Republicans and Democrats.
  • She has the unanimous approval of the American Bar Association
2) A wise woman comes to a better conclusion than a white male: Yeah, yeah... so Judge Sotomayor may not have been completely politically correct, or accurate, in this statement. However, I think there is some truth in the statement. When nine people decide how to interpret the law of the land, and more or less decide what is acceptable and what isnt, I think it is safe to say diversity of opinions and expirences is essential. Before Sotomayor was inducted this morning, there were no hispanic judges on the bench, only one woman, only one non-white judge, and only two democrats. Sotomayor, a moderately liberal latina women nominated by a democrat, will needless to say, bring some diversity to the court.

3) Republicans are exposed as the racists they are:
Before you start throwing full wine bottles at your computer screen, you should know, I dont think republicans are racist...for the most part. But they arent doing themselves any favors to rid the steryotype. 31 republicans voted no on Sotomayor, many for the first time in their careers--such as Sen. John McCain. I certainly have no problem with their opinions on Sotomayor, especially since she was inducted, but the Hispanic community might. I mean seriously... John McCain wants to win Hispanic votes and the first Supreme Court Nominee he votes against is Hispanic. Give me a break!

The good that comes out of this...many of the states those republican sentors represented had a heavy hispanic population...which as of this morning are feeling quite liberal.
4) Gays/Lesbian : She is hailed as a outstanding choice by the Gay/Lesbian Alliance. After the travesty of Prop 8 in California, the United States could use a little forward movement...

5) She understands the role of the SC: Conservatives left and right, er, only right actually, have been attacking Sotomayor on a statement she made in 2005, claiming she has an affinity towards judicial activism,

"All of the legal defense funds out there, they are looking for people with court of appeals experience because the court of appeals is where policy is made," she said, laughing a bit through the next part: "And I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don't make law. I know. Okay, I know. I'm not promoting it. I'm not advocating it. I know."

First off, she makes it pretty clear she did not mean the appellete makes laws.

Secondly....did I miss something?! Of course the applette makes policy! It decides how to interpret the law, and whatever the court rules... whether it is upholding the law or appealing it the Supreme Court still makes the policy which forms the guideline in which we live by. Congress may make the laws, but those laws are challanged every day...and its the Courts who have the final say on whether society should abide by the rules or not.

6) She saved baseball: In reportedly 15 minutes Sotomayor issued an injuction which helped end the '94-'95 Major League Baseball strike. Uh, She saved an American Pastime...what more do you want Republicans?

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