Obama was in Yellowstone National Park these past few days on a working vacation. He was frolicking with the wildlife, eatin ice cream with his daughters, and ....talking about health care. What a vacation. Besides health care, however, Obama had other complaints of his administration, that frankly, I agree with.
Obama, upon visiting Yellowstone, has been trailed with complaints over gun laws that were passed regaurding national parks. Usually, I agree with Obama on gun laws. He supports the 2nd amendment, but not stupidly enough to promote self-destructive behavior. Many say he is all over the map on gun issues, but I'll argue he is right where he should be...in the middle. That is until May of this year.
In May President Obama signed a gun law that allowed firearms in national parks as long as states allow it. The law repealed a provision from the Reagan Administration that foreced all firearm holders to store their firearms in a secure compartment such as a glove compartment or trunk. However, with Obama's new law, people can bear firearms in the open, as long as it abides by state laws.
Now the arguement for the 2nd ammendment is safety. One has the right to bear arms to protect his/herself. However, in national parks, the emminent threat of assult is lessened, thus there is no need for guns and the danger to the wildlife preserve they hold. I think it is concievable this was a politicall move by the President to soften opposition from him in the centerists/independent area, especially in the west. However, when you start acting based on politics, and not on issues, things get out of hand very quickly. Lets hope it doesnt for the President.
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