If this health care debate couldn't get any more insane, it just has. Senator Arlan Spector, who has received the brunt of the vicious town hall meetings, has been clearly agitated with Grassley's rumored "death panel" claims. After being probed to call Senetor Grassley, Spector just received his message- Check out the video from Crooks and Liars:
But the battle wasn't over there, Spector still angry, ran home and jumped on his computer. With one swift move of the arm he was on Twitter...and posted this:
Grassley was quick to reply with an uppercut of his own:
“Called Senator Grassley to tell him to stop speading (sic) myths about health care reform and imaginary ‘death panels."'
“Specter got it all wrong that I ever used words ‘death boards’,” Grassley wrote. “Even liberal press never accused me of that. So change ur last Tweet Arlen.”(See the truth about Grassley's statement here)
Damn, now all we can do is wait for the next blow to land. This is better than a fight from I Love New York!
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