Thank goodness. This weekend was a scary time for the public option, but somone has seemingly rose from the dark and is attempting to revive it. Anthony Weiner. Since Monday, he has been on T.V non-stop arguing relentlessly for a public option. So far, it seems 100 liberal democrats have decidedly said they will not vote on a bill that does not contain the public option. Weiner recently had a chat with Chris Matthews regaurding the public option. Check out this excperpt:
MATTHEWS: Suppose it’s got four elements in it. It’s got individual mandates. Everybody’s got to join. It’s got subsidies for people who are working people. It’s got some kind of encouragement to business to insure people. And it’s got something to do with reform in terms of pre-existing conditions and portability.
WEINER: And no...
MATTHEWS: Will you vote for a bill like that?
Not giving in, thats what Weiner and the progressives are doing, and frankly thats what needs to happen right now. It is because of these progressive liberals that are playing decisive hardball that other "blue dog" democrats and other memebers of congress mroe likely to fold simply wont be able to. Its all or nothing with the public option...Republicans vs. Democrats...luckily the Democrats have the advantage. Weiner understands that, and its time all Democrats in congress...and even Republicans understand it too:
WEINER: And no cost containment so the costs keep going up and it bankrupts our government? I can’t vote for that.
MATTHEWS: OK, let me ask you this. Is there any way to get a bill past the Congress except with 60 votes in the Senate and 218 in the House?
WEINER: Yes, I think we can do it with 51 in the Senate under reconciliation.
MATTHEWS: But you would never be — what — what — you would be willing to blow up the Senate rules and basically push it through that?
WEINER: What do you mean blow up the Senate rules? Look, there’s a reason that there’s a Democratic House, a Democratic Senate, and Democratic presidency. That middle block of Americans want us to get this done.
WEINER: I don’t think we’re blowing up anything....
WEINER: Look, outside of this town, the American people really don’t care about whether Chuck Grassley [votes] ... for it or not.
Enough is enough.
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