Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Socialism is Socialism-- but Nazi'z werent, Limbaugh.

Wrong. It doesn't. But Rush Libaugh seems to think so. A few days back on his talk radio show, he gave a rant about socialism. Eventually the rant came concluded with this, completely mistaken statement:

"Socialism is socialism wherever it is, whatever you call it. But don't forget, folks, the term "Nazi" comes from the German word for National Socialism"

He is right...but mostly wrong. Yes, the Nazi word essentially stand for National Socialist German Workers party, but Nazi's were probably the farthest thing from Socialism. Remember, Hitler hated communists. Communism and Socialism, are essentially where everyone in the state are equal in standing, anyone who read any of Marx or studied any Euro history knows that. Nazi's were the opposite. I mean, they didnt just put down a class of citizens, they exterminated them! If socialism, communism, and Nazism/fascism were put on a spectrum it would look like this:

Spectrum of Ideologies

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