Monday, August 17, 2009

Yet another reason Why Grassley is a Douche...

Hi everyone, sorry I couldnt give you a po
st today..I am at dealing with a family death. But here is cop-out. Yet another reason why Sen. Grassley sucks... by TMD titled:

Douchebag Defines "Bipartisanship"

Grassley Douchebag

On today's "Morning Meeting with Dylan Ratigan" on MSNBC, Iowa Senator Charles Grassley, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, said that even if the committee's final version of a health insurance reform bill gives him everything he says he wants, he will vote against it.

When NBC's Chuck Todd, in a follow-up question on the show, asked the Iowa Republican if he'd vote against what Grassley might consider to be a "good deal" -- i.e., gets everything he asks for from Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D) -- Grassley replied, "It isn't a good deal if I can't sell my product to more Republicans."

In short, Grassley says he's willing to walk away from legislation in which he gets everything he wants. Over to you, Max Baucus...

This is what "bipartisanship" means to Republicans. "Give us everything we want, and we will still vote against it because the successful passage of health care reform will be a victory for a Democratic president and a Democratic congress, and we're more interested in regaining power and keeping those big insurance company donations coming in than we are in ensuring easier, more affordable access to health care."

It's time for the President and the leadership in Congress to wake the hell up.

Pass the health care reform bill YOU want. FORGET the Republicans! Leave them on the sidelines to complain and bitch and whine and moan about how nobody listens to them.

If it's a good bill, Democrats reap the benefits and the GOP continues to shrink and dissolve.

If it's a bad bill, we take our deserved lumps.

But for God's sake, if it wasn't time to stop letting a tiny, regional, minority party dictate policy on something so vital to the economy and to the well-being of every American -- hearing that they aren't even interested in PASSING a bill should be a clarion call to the densest among us.

Do you HEAR me, Rahm?

Interesting stuff, No?

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